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3lineProCalc - Help-Page

(Hier gehts zur deutschsprachigen Version !)

If you're interested in "3lineProCalc" you may first try the free Version "2lineCalc" which has nearly the same user-interface but not as much functions.

The latest version of 3lineProCalc is ready to download here. In the meantime there was also a version with less buttons but same functions released:
It's called 4veerCalculator and is suited for 'pixi' and the coming 'veer' users. This version is ready to download here.

In case of problems, remarks or questions concerning this app don't hesitate to send an email (webmaster[at]knoopnet.de) or post it here:



1.0.6 published 18.Nov.2010

differences to 2lineCalc:
- scientific functions (log, sin, arc sin ...), more useful conversions
- correct interpretation of numbers like 6.22e+19 or 3.13e-25
- option to store own shortcuts
- easy access to 6 memory entries and 10 history entries
- 'dip' shortcut for faster recursive computations
- education mode that shows the order of solving brackets and other steps of a complex calculation
- options for 'autoAC' after each (=) tap and 'AC-lock' to prevent deleting by mistake
- 'fast moving' shortcuts for the cursor
- 8 color themes

crash reports: none
known issues: negative value of 'dip' or y-memory will only be calculated correctly if multiplicated with -1, e.g.:  (-1)*y

1.0.8 published 22.Nov.2010

new in this version:
- more intuitive handling of negative algebraic signs, e.g.: --y is now interpreted correctly
- one more zoom-factor for short inputs
- improved handling of fast cursor move

crash reports: none
known issues: some users asked for an option to deactivate the 'landscape' mode, since the gyrosensor is quite sensible.

1.1.2 published 23.Nov.2010

new in this version:
- possibility to send a history entry via email to others
- possibility to send a history entry via sms to others
- option for 'landscape' mode, option for a 'vibrate' feedback at each button tap
- warning concerning syntax and brackets if user is importing a shortcut via copy-paste-doubletap
- online-resource for lots of shortcuts (look here)

crash reports: none
known issues: some users asked for the possibilty to store the vibration-option for the next app-launch

1.1.6 published 6.Dec.2010

new in this version:
- additional saving of options for landscape, education and vibration
- german manual

crash reports: none
known issues: none

1.1.8 published 10.Dec.2010

new in this version:
- numerical conversion between decimal and numbers based on 2, 8 or 16
- overview of all history entries
- create an email with all history entries
- new structure of app menu concerning handling of the history
- bracket assistance in case of concetanated functions

crash reports: none
known issues: showing of results with the history was also demanded

1.2.2 published 13.Dec.2010

new in this version:
- overview of all history entries with results and shortcuts
- create an email with history entries, results and shortcuts
- option to delete only history and results and no memory entries or shortcuts

crash reports: none
known issues: none

1.2.4 published 21.Dec.2010

new in this version:
- advanced recall mode: the name of a variable (instead of the value) is shown in the formula
- advanced store mode: the number from the editfield (instead of the display line) can be stored in one of the memory registers
- bigger symbols for ^, -, = and .
- after each closing bracket a 'space' is inserted for better overview

crash reports: none
known issues: (internally inserted) missing brackets at the end of a calculation are not displayed immediately in the editfield

1.2.8 published 11.Mar.2011

new in this version:
- quick access to user defined shortcuts via the Sto/Rcl-Button
- new shortcuts for cursor moving:  [x] [/] moves the cursor to the end of the editfield,  [/] [x]  moves it to the beginning
- (internally inserted) missing brackets at the end of a calculation are displayed immediately

crash reports: none
known issues: none

1.3.2 published 21.Mar.2011

new in this version:
- improved presentation of big results (e.g. -1.2e+22)
- new structure for email export of a single history entry

crash reports: none
known issues: none

1.3.6 published 20.Apr.2011

new in this version:
- fixed typo in litre/pint conversion (sorry if someone got drunk because of this)
- improved handling of numeric results
- advice concerning landscape mode

crash reports: none
known issues: none

1.3.8 published 9.Sep.2011

new in this version:
- improved handling of valid roots concerning negative numbers
- added trigonomic modes (rad/deg/gon)

crash reports: none
known issues: none

1.4.4 published 4.Oct.2011

new in this version:
- improved bracket handling
- support for Pre3 resolution

crash reports: none
known issues: none

and here are two screenshots (with 2 of 8 color themes) of the app:


The user interface has three parts:

Display line



3lineProCalc provides a full-featured scientific calculator that uses the advantages of webOs and the touchscreen. It has lots of additional functions that make calculations easier and faster:

-The multiline editfield is designed to 'tap' in the calculation according to the usual algebraic notation. Simply tap the [=]-button to get the result.

-The formula may be saved as a shortcut and is cached in the 'history'.

-The result may be transfered into the editfield or one of 6 memory-entries for further calculations.

3lineProCalc provides several features via the app-menu:

- Edit... - Enables the import and export of numbers via a display-tap.

- Shortcuts/f(x)... - Sets the functions reachable to [Const./f(x)] (scientific mode), [num. Conv] (numeric conversions), [usef.Conv] (useful conversions) or [user defnd.] (user defined)., access to online resource

- History... - Options for the handling of the history

- Options... - Provides some options concerning the user interface (autoAC, AC-lock, education mode etc.)

- Color themes... - Sets the design of the app.

- Help... - little manual

Functions of several buttons:

[Round:..] sets the digits dispayed after the point.

[Const./f(x)] provides a set of useful math. functions and constants. This set may be changed to [num. Conv] (numeric conversions), [usef.Conv] (useful Conversions) or [user defnd.] (user defined) by the menu-option 'shortcuts'.

[Sto/Rcl] (Store/Recall) saves the number of the display line or the editfield in one of 6 memory entries / Puts the desired entry, variable name or (new since v.1.2.8) shortcut into the editfield.

[Rly] (Recall y) puts y to editfield. A doubletap of this button shows the value of y.

[^] raises to the power. A doubletap of this button is a shortcut for [Sto y].

[dip] (display input) inserts 'dip' for the number from the display line in the editfield. A doubletap of this button shows the value of the display directly.

[up] moves one step back in the editfield-history.

[dn] moves one step 'forward' in the history.

[del] delets the character in front of the cursor.

[AC] delets the editfield (see also autoAC and AC-lock option).

[<<] moves the cursor one step to the left. A doubletap of the [x] button below [<<] moves the cursor 10 steps to the left. Shortcut [/] [x] moves the cursor to the first char of the editfield.

[>>] moves the cursor to the right. A doubletap of the [/] button below [>>] moves the cursor 10 steps to the right. Shortcut [x] [/] moves the cursor to the last char of the editfield.

[(-)] useful if you want to square negative numbers.

and a doubletap of [ . ] is a shortcut for 'log( )'.

Further remarks and questions? Email: webmaster[at]knoopnet.de

3lineProCalc - Anleitung

3lineProCalc ist eine Taschenrechner-App, die die Möglichkeiten des WebOs-Touchscreen optimal nutzt, ohne den Benutzer mit zu viel Optionen zu belasten.

Wer sich für diese App interessiert, kann gern zunächst mal die Free-Version "2lineCalc" ausprobieren.

Eine Möglichkeit zum direkten Download von 3lineProCalc besteht hier.

Kritik, Anregungen oder Verbesserungsvorschlägen zu dieser App können gerne per Email (webmaster[at]knoopnet.de) oder in folgendem Forum geäußert werden:


Das Bedienungskonzept:

Diese App arbeitet mit einem Eingabefeld (editline) in dem zunächst die Zahlen und Zeichen den Rechenregeln entsprechend eingegeben werden.

Nach dem Drücken der  [=] -Taste wird dann das editfield in die "History" übernommen und das Ergebnis im Display-Feld dargestellt.

Dies kann dann in einen von 6 Speichern, in die Zwischenablage und/oder in das editfield übernommen werden. Ebenso können "shortcuts" erstellt werden, um sich wiederholende Eingaben abzukürzen.

Das Benutzerinterface teilt sich in 3 Teile:

Display line


Screenshots dieser App (mit 2 von 8 Farbthemen):


Über das App-Menü hat man Zugriff auf folgende Features:

- Edit... - ermöglicht den Im-&Export von der Zwischenablage über einen 'Tap' auf die Displayzeile.

- Shortcuts/f(x)... - hier wird eingestellt, welche mathematischen Funktionen schnell erreichbar sein sollen: [Const./f(x)] (wiss. Funktionen), [num. Conv] (numerische Umrechnungen zwischen 10er-, 2er- 8er- und 16er-Zahlensystem), [usef.Conv] (nützliche Umrechnungen) or [user defnd.] (Festlegen eigener shortcuts).

- History... - alle 'history'-Einträge mit Ergebnissen anzeigen oder ausgewählte per email oder sms versenden. Zusätzlich steht ein Direktzugriff auf eine Webseite mit weiteren shortcuts zur Verfügung

- Options... - bietet Zugriff auf das Verhalten der Eingabetasten (autoAC, AC-lock, Vibration, landscape mode, education mode etc.)

- Color themes... - wähle ein Farbschema

- Help... - kleines Handbuch

Besondere Tasten:

[Round:..] legt die Anzahl der Nachkommastellen fest

[Const./f(x).] einfügen von mathem. Funktionen und Konstanten (siehe shortcuts)

[Sto/Rcl] speichert die Zahl aus der Display-Zeile oder aus dem editfield in einem von 6 Speichern / Ruft die Zahl, den Namen der Variablen oder (neu ab v.1.2.8) einen der shortcuts aus dem Speicher ab

[Rly] das im editfield angezeigte y steht für die Zahl im Speicher, ein 'Doppeltap' zeigt die Zahl direkt im editfield an

[^] legt den Exponenten der vorhergehenden Zahl fest, ( x. Wurzeln können - wie bei vielen Rechnern üblich - als ^(1/x) eingegeben werden )

[up] einen Schritt zurück in der editfield-history

[dn] einen Schritt vorwärts in der history

[del] löscht das Zeichen links vom Cursor

[AC] löscht das ganze editfield

[<<] verschiebt den cursor ein Zeichen nach links, ein 'Doppeltap' auf die '*'-Taste darunter verschiebt den Cursor direkt um 10 nach links. '/*' hintereinander verschiebt den Cursor zum Beginn des editfield.

[>>] ein Zeichen nach rechts, ein 'Doppeltap' auf die '/'-Taste darunter verschiebt den Cursor direkt um 10 nach rechts. '*/' hintereinander verschiebt den Cursor ans Ende des editfield.

[(-)]  Klammerassistenz z.B. zum korrekten Quadieren negativer  Zahlen

[dip] übernimmt die Zahl aus der Display-Zeile ins editfield, ein 'Doppeltap' stellt die Zahl direkt im editfield dar

[=]  stellt das Ergebnis des editfield in der Display-Zeile dar

Weitere Fragen und Anregungen? Email: webmaster[at]knoopnet.de